Untitled Document
   collectif Eau_vent_acier
Collectif de la Dernière Tangente
Drawing, photography, videos, interdisciplinary works

Just before the presentation of the show Wasser, Wind und Stahl (Water, Wind and Steel), in the Far Festival in Nyon on August 21st and 22nd, 2009, the Collectif de la Dernière Tangente exhibits works created during the preparation of the spectacle and on the stage.

Born in 1999 around a basic trio with Bernard Garo, plastician, Eric Fischer, musician and François Chattot, dramatic artist, the group grew richer since then with the presence of an exceptional dancer, Satchie Noro, the poet Dominique Brand and many other talents, namely Pierre-Alain Bertola for this last work. Fruit of ten years of collective work, Water, Wind and Steel, a metaphor of decline and loss of memory, closes up an important scenic work. It is the keystone of a triptych initiated in 2003 with Temps Morts, followed by 9 pictures from 99 body ritual tales, all three coproduced by the Far festival.
In resonance to the spectacle, the exhibition Eau, Vent, Acier, through painting, drawing, photography, video, dance, music and poetry, proposes works of the Collectif, echoing the rich exchanges between the different artistic expressions and illustrates, in an original way, a dense and breathtaking fresco, set up around the elusive elements of nature.

Dr.Danielle Junod-Sugnaux

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  collectif Eau_vent_acier